Submission Guideline


1. Submission Method


Online submission system: Please submit your paper through

Please download here and format your paper before submission.


Each submitted paper should
(1) be original, and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere in any language;
(2) print clearly and legibly, including all the figures, tables, equations in a standard way;
(3) in English (including references and notes and legends);
(4) be typeset according to the paper template before submission;
(5) be at least 5 pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references;
(6) be both in MS Word and PDF.


2. Review Process


Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed as 

(1) Initial screening and plagiarism check by iThenticate;

(2) Double-blind peer review by 2-3 competent reviewers;

(3) Decision made by editor;

(4) Papers that do not conform to our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.